2020年1月16日 星期四

105年 私醫 英文


105 學年度私立醫學校院聯合招考轉學生考試


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105 學年度私立醫學校院聯合招考轉學生考試


本試題(含封面)共 6 頁:第 2 頁

一、字彙 (1~9 題,請選擇最適當的選項;第 10 題請選出與劃底線部分意義最接近的選項。)

1. There’s a lot more of coughs and colds and allergies and asthmas, which were not so ____ earlier.

Ⓐ precursory Ⓑ prevalent Ⓒ declining Ⓓ dazzling

2. My sister doesn’t like to do dishes because it is a ____ chore.

Ⓐ tired Ⓑ busy Ⓒ lazy Ⓓ tedious

3. There is a ____ need for something to be done to save the Great Wall, the most famous Chinese architecture.

Ⓐ pleasing Ⓑ pressure Ⓒ press Ⓓ pressing

4. With a growing number of ____ concerning food safety, the DT Food Company was among the first companies that decided

to settle out of court with their customers.

Ⓐ sues Ⓑ lawsuits Ⓒ complement Ⓓ compliment

5. Ten climbers ____ on Jade Mountain (Yushan) during the bad weather were rescued by a helicopter this morning.

Ⓐ strode Ⓑ stranded Ⓒ stroke Ⓓ spread

6. In fact, a master's degree is an essential ____ for the position.

Ⓐ prerequisite Ⓑ predicament Ⓒ premiere Ⓓ prediction

7. International interest in the ____ qualities of the Mediterranean diet began in the 1950s, when medical doctors started to link

occurrence of heart disease with diet.

Ⓐ economical Ⓑ continuing Ⓒ revealing Ⓓ therapeutic

8. He was dying from ____ because his diet doesn’t contain the right amount of nutrients.

Ⓐ malnutrition Ⓑ malfunction Ⓒ malpractice Ⓓ malformation

9. It is estimated that ____ is associated with more than 110,000 deaths in the United States, and more than $6.1 billion is spent

on health care related to overweight problem.

Ⓐ arthritis Ⓑ asthma Ⓒ obesity Ⓓ allergy

10. The picture-bride system, according to author Yen Le Espiritu, was a form of “arranged marriage facilitated by the exchange

of photographs.”

Ⓐ advanced Ⓑ hindered Ⓒ ceased Ⓓ deprived

二、語法與用法 (11~20 題,請選擇最適當的選項。)

11. Although some people ____ eat insects for food, most people never would.

Ⓐ voluntary Ⓑ volunteer Ⓒ voluntarily Ⓓ vulnerable

12. Analysts estimate that the Boeing Company ____ over 1,000 aircrafts to China by the end of next year.

Ⓐ will have sold Ⓑ had sold Ⓒ have sold Ⓓ sales

13. On this you can ____: I will always love you till death do us part.

Ⓐ rest assured Ⓑ rest assure Ⓒ rest assume Ⓓ rest apart

14. Leo ____ many important historical figures during his life, and he looks forward to meeting many more.

Ⓐ met Ⓑ has met Ⓒ has been meeting Ⓓ has been met

15. The material culture of the Paleo-Indians differed little from ____ of other Stone Age peoples found in Asia, Africa, and


Ⓐ whom Ⓑ them Ⓒ those Ⓓ that

16. ____ tilted toward the sun, the more heat it receives and the hotter it is.

Ⓐ The earth is most Ⓑ The more the earth is Ⓒ The earth is more than Ⓓ As more as the earth is

105 學年度私立醫學校院聯合招考轉學生考試


本試題(含封面)共 6 頁:第 3 頁

17. Parkish and many other scientists argue that genetic engineering can help address the urgent problems of food shortage by

increasing crop quantities, ____ crop varieties that resist pests and disease.

Ⓐ offering Ⓑ offers Ⓒ offered Ⓓ offer

18. ____ the promise of the field, and the brilliant people who work in it, biomimetics has led to surprisingly very few business


Ⓐ Because of Ⓑ Despite Ⓒ Because Ⓓ Although

19. Marie is one of those persons who enjoy ____ from first to last at the party.

Ⓐ herself Ⓑ themselves Ⓒ himself Ⓓ itself

20. Writers sometimes make references to things outside the text, ____ that the reader will understand the references.

Ⓐ assume Ⓑ assumed Ⓒ assuming Ⓓ have assumed

三、短文填空 (21~35 題,請選擇最適當的選項。)

Passage 1

A report says thousands of children as young as eight are working in 21 conditions on tobacco farms in countries of

South Asia, putting them 22 cancer, respiratory problems and nicotine poisoning. However, all the Ministries of Foreign

Affairs of these countries have 23 comment on the report.

21. Ⓐ impending Ⓑ hazardous Ⓒ research Ⓓ monitoring

22. Ⓐ in advantage of Ⓑ at crossroads Ⓒ at the power of Ⓓ at the risk of

23. Ⓐ declined to Ⓑ willed to Ⓒ admitted to Ⓓ forgot to

Passage 2

In the past, there was a stigma associated with homeschooling because it was traditionally for students who had behavioral

or learning 24 and could not keep up with the rest of the class. Today, there are many compelling arguments for educating

one’s children at home. Some of them stem from 25 with the mainstream education system. Teacher shortages and lack of

funding mean that, in many schools, one teacher is responsible for 30 or 40 pupils; children are often 26 the attention they

need. Bullying and increasing classroom violence have also motivated some parents to remove their children from school. To

these parents, homeschooling provides a way for them to monitor their children’s education more closely. Children can also

choose what and when to study, thus 27 them to learn at their own pace. Advocates of homeschooling point out that

homeschooled children do just as well or better than those who are classroom-taught, and a striking number gain 28 to

prestigious universities.

24. Ⓐ advantages Ⓑ performances Ⓒ styles Ⓓ difficulties

25. Ⓐ dissatisfaction Ⓑ satisfaction Ⓒ understanding Ⓓ commitment

26. Ⓐ bequeathed of Ⓑ deprived of Ⓒ supplied with Ⓓ satisfied with

27. Ⓐ to enable Ⓑ enabled Ⓒ enabling Ⓓ have enabled

28. Ⓐ warrant Ⓑ certificate Ⓒ license Ⓓ admission

Passage 3

Nearby Brenham County, schools canceled all classes for Friday 29 heavy rains and just further north, a “low grade”

tornado 30 parts of Brazos County about 12:30 p.m. Thursday. No one has been reported 31 , but several buildings suffered

roof damage and trees were uprooted, according to the county's emergency management office.

29. Ⓐ because Ⓑ in spite of Ⓒ due to Ⓓ unless

30. Ⓐ ripped through Ⓑ running into Ⓒ managed in Ⓓ resulted in

31. Ⓐ injure Ⓑ induring Ⓒ having injure Ⓓ injured

105 學年度私立醫學校院聯合招考轉學生考試


本試題(含封面)共 6 頁:第 4 頁

Passage 4

When I heard about Professor Duneier’s Sociology MOOC, I was excited but also a bit anxious because I had never taken

a completely online course before. In 32 of the class, I e-mailed Professor Duneier with many of my questions. He graciously

replied, but for him, too, this was going to be a new experience. Knowing this actually helped me to relax a little. One 33 I

had about distance learning was that self-motivation and self-discipline would play a 34 role in my success. I knew it would

be easy to fall behind because the classes were not going to be at a set time. This turned out to be true. I also knew that learning

35 the internet might also pose other problems.

32. Ⓐ apprehension Ⓑ collaboration Ⓒ anticipation Ⓓ assumption

33. Ⓐ anticipation Ⓑ assumption Ⓒ achievement Ⓓ disappointment

34. Ⓐ crucial Ⓑ virtual Ⓒ uncritical Ⓓ optional

35. Ⓐ by Ⓑ into Ⓒ of Ⓓ via

四、閱讀測驗 (36~50 題,請選擇最適當的選項。)

Passage 1

The invention of the electric telegraph gave birth to the communications industry. Although Samuel B. Morse succeeded in

making the invention useful in 1837, it was not until 1843 that the first telegraph line of consequence was constructed. By 1860

more than 50,000 miles of lines connected people east of the Rockies. The following year, San Francisco was added to the


The national telegraph network fortified the ties between East and West and contributed to the repaid expansion of the

railroads by providing an efficient means to monitor schedules and routes. Furthermore, the extension of the telegraph, combined

with the invention of the steam-driven rotary printing press by Richard M. Hoe in 1846, revolutionized the world of journalism.

Where the business of news gathering had been dependent upon the mail and on hand-operated presses, the telegraph expanded

the amount of information a newspaper could supply and allowed for more timely reporting. The establishment of the Associated

Press as a central wire service in 1846 marked the advent of a new era in journalism.

36. According to the passage, how did the telegraph enhance the business of news gathering?

Ⓐ By monitoring schedules and routes for the railroads Ⓑ By expanding the railroads

Ⓒ By allowing for more timely reporting Ⓓ By adding San Francisco to the network

37. It can be inferred from the passage that _____.

Ⓐ Morse’s invention did not immediately achieve its full potential

Ⓑ Morse did not make a significant contribution to the communications industry

Ⓒ the extension of the telegraph was more important than its invention

Ⓓ journalists have the Associated Press to thank for the birth of the communications industry

38. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about the growth of the communications industry?

Ⓐ The telegraph helped connect the entire nation.

Ⓑ People could use the telegraph in San Francisco in 1861.

Ⓒ Morse invented the telegraph in 1837.

Ⓓ The telegraph lead to the invention of the rotary printing press.

Passage 2

Globalization is the integration of international trades, products, business ties, cultures and etc. Since the 1970s, more and

more countries have opened their markets for each other and helped transform the world economy into a free global market.

Based on the World Bank’s report, one of its major proponents, economic globalization has reaped many benefits and helped

reduce poverty in many developing countries. Globalization advocates claim that economies in developing countries have

received many benefits from new opportunities that they can promote their goods worldwide through the internet. Research also

105 學年度私立醫學校院聯合招考轉學生考試


本試題(含封面)共 6 頁:第 5 頁

shows that with the integration of local economies into the world economy, there has been a great income increase in twenty four

countries with more than three billion people of their population.

However, critics suggest that economic globalization is actually harming the local economy and is widening the gap

between the rich and the poor. For instance, with large-scale manufacturers begin to produce the same goods in a more efficient

way or when big companies like COSTCO or Carrefour get in the local areas, home-based businesses and small businesses will

be crowded out for sure. Moreover, the poor people, the illiterate, unskilled workers, and aboriginal peoples in the developing

countries never benefit from the integration of world economy.

Despite the pros and cons of globalization, there seem to be no turning back on this issue. With the advances in technology,

we are already living in an interconnected world that allows us to exchange goods and ideas. The real challenge now is to figure

out a way to create a fair global market that benefit all.

39. What is the best title for this passage?

Ⓐ The benefit of globalization for the world as a whole Ⓑ The benefit of globalization in developing countries

Ⓒ Globalization, Pros and Cons Ⓓ The historical origins of globalization

40. According to the World Bank’s report, what is the major benefit from globalization?

Ⓐ It reduces people’s salaries. Ⓑ It puts people to work.

Ⓒ It improves the quality of people’s lives. Ⓓ It allows more job opportunities.

41. What does the word “advocates” refer to?

Ⓐ supporters Ⓑ opponents Ⓒ enemies Ⓓ intruders

42. In the passage, what does the phrase “crowded out” refer to?

Ⓐ find out a solution Ⓑ get out of globalization

Ⓒ bring out the best in people Ⓓ put out of business

43. What is the conclusion for this passage?

Ⓐ Globalization is beneficial for developing countries.

Ⓑ Globalization should take everyone’s interest into consideration.

Ⓒ Globalization is bad for developing countries.

Ⓓ Globalization will fail.

Passage 3

What used to be thought of as prestigious is now being considered as a toxic asset. Student loan debt is soaring as the

rising generation is diving head first into an era where young adults are unable to save and invest their money. This isn’t only

taking a toll on their personal lives, but it is causing long-term harm to America’s economy.

Student debt is climbing every year. This is limiting graduates’ income and holding them back from buying a home, a car,

and even from getting married. A report issued by John Burns estimates that the heavy debt is reducing home sales by 8 percent.

In fact, every $250 paid towards student loan debt reduces the amount that a consumer can borrow for a mortgage by $44,000.

According to USA Today, a new study from student aid experts, based on government financial data, shows the average debt is

now $33,000. The hole we are digging our graduates in just keeps getting deeper and deeper with very little hope.

44. What does the word “toxic” mean?

Ⓐ harmful Ⓑ indifferent Ⓒ tasteful Ⓓ functioning

45. According to the report, which is true?

Ⓐ The reporter encourages students in America to apply for tuition loan.

Ⓑ Student loan debt helps boom American economy.

Ⓒ Fewer students involve loan debts in Europe.

Ⓓ Student loan debt causes long term harm to America’s economy.

105 學年度私立醫學校院聯合招考轉學生考試


本試題(含封面)共 6 頁:第 6 頁

46. According to the report, most students with loan debt are held back from ____.

Ⓐ entering a private company Ⓑ searching for a job

Ⓒ buying a home Ⓓ getting divorced

47. According to the report, a lot of young adults are not able to save money because ____.

Ⓐ they like to go to expensive restaurants Ⓑ they have to pay back student loans

Ⓒ they still need to go to graduate programs Ⓓ they need to support their families

Passage 4

Modern technology has changed our everyday life drastically. For example, with the advance of internet technology,

written communications are conducted in electronic form and the delivery time is no more than a few seconds, even from one

country to another.

Computer technology has also made it possible to run a house electronically. From turning lights on and off on a regular

schedule to starting the coffee and cooking the hot cereal, computers are taking care of people at home. Many modern machines

(e.g., kitchen appliances) contain computer chips that allow their owners to program them. For instance, you can “instruct” a

microwave oven how to cook a certain dish. You can program your electric or gas range, dishwasher, washing machine and dryer,

etc., to “do the housework” on their own. Most entertainment equipment operates with computer technology too: some examples

are radios, television sets, VCRs (i.e., videocassette recorders), which can be set up electronically to go on and off, go to certain

channels or stations, record specific programs at certain times, and so on. Computers can even start cars automatically so that on

cold winter mornings you can get into a warmed-up vehicle and drive off. And of course, the typical U.S. family has a

microcomputer (a computer that fits on a table or desk) in their home, which they use for everything from keeping household

records and writing letters to playing computer games.

Although much of the technology in our everyday lives has positive effects, there are some uses that raise controversial

issues and questions. For example, are interactive media (i.e., a combination of television, telephone and computer) going to

control minds, destroy privacy, and cause people to forget about family life and personal relationships? What effects will the

genetic engineering of foods (e.g., changing the gene structure of fruits and vegetables) have on people’s health? High-tech

medical treatments (organ transplants, changing the gene structure, etc.) can increase the longevity of individuals, but can they

improve the health and happiness of human beings in general? Only time will tell, but in the meantime, science and technology

will continue to move forward.

48. These paragraphs would most likely appear in ____.

Ⓐ a novel Ⓑ a technology textbook Ⓒ a science fiction Ⓓ a poem

49. What is the overall message of these paragraphs?

Ⓐ Longevity is the ultimate goal of technology.

Ⓑ Convenience is the ultimate goal of technology.

Ⓒ Technology will continue to influence our everyday life.

Ⓓ In general, technology has negative effects on people’s life styles.

50. What would be the best title for these paragraphs?

Ⓐ How to prevent abuses of modern technology Ⓑ How to run a house electronically

Ⓒ Written communications and modern technology Ⓓ Technology and everyday life



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