2020年1月16日 星期四

104年 私醫 英文


104 學年度私立醫學校院聯合招考轉學生考試


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104 學年度私立醫學校院聯合招考轉學生考試


本試題(含封面)共 5 頁:第 2 頁

一、字彙(1~8 題,請選出最適當的選項;9~10 題,選出與畫底線部分意義最接近的選項)

1. In order to solve the problems of overpopulation in overcrowded cities, engineers have begun huge projects working on ways

to improve the cities’ and the public transportation.

(A) rehabilitation (B) conjuncture (C) infrastructure (D) evacuation

2. The implications for telemedicine are far-reaching, and have the potential to completely ______ the health care industry for

the better.

(A) paste (B) transform (C) breakthrough (D) depict

3. Beekeepers are usually so that they will not feel severe pains of bee stings.

(A) desensitized (B) delineated (C) devastated (D) defrauded

4. The explosion was so powerful that it _____ many buildings in the southern suburbs.

(A) flourished (B) validated (C) obliterated (D) manifested

5. Jennifer got married at age 18, but in ______, she thinks she should have waited till she was older.

(A) backward (B) dilemma (C) prestige (D) retrospect

6. Some independent film makers like to shoot movies in Kaohsiung City because the city government _____ the film


(A) substitutes (B) subsidizes (C) subordinates (D) subjugates

7. Going into the outer space will give you the sense of weightlessness, and you’ll experience the blackness of space and see the

_____ of the earth.

(A) repugnance (B) resemblance (C) benevolence (D) curvature

8. Some of the animals in the zoo can be _____. Biting is a serious possibility.

(A) compassionate (B) enchanting (C) amicable (D) aggressive

9. Whether as workers or objects of affection, dogs have certainly proven themselves beneficial to humans in many ways.

(A) fondness (B) influence (C) burden (D) pride

10. The flower known as the daisy resembles a miniature sun with its yellow disc and rays of white or pink.

(A) bright (B) multicolored (C) gigantic (D) tiny

二、語法與用法(11~20 題,請選出最適當的選項)

11. The hip pop star must be so popular. Fans _____ in the queue for over 5 hours to buy her concert tickets.

(A) had waited (B) waited (C) are waiting (D) have been waiting

12. Some people can plan to awaken at a certain time in the morning. _____ more than fifteen minutes or so off schedule.

(A) Rarely they are (B) Rarely are they (C) Rarely have they (D) Rarely they have

13. Experts say that many more people would have survived from the fire if they _____.

(A) would get off the building as quickly as possible (B) had gotten off the building immediately

(C) got off the building at once (D) have gotten off the building right away

14. According to the research by psychologists, fans of heavy metal and rock music are usually _____ and enjoy taking risks.

(A) actively physically (B) physically active (C) physical actively (D) physical active

15. _____ they have a new baby, they rarely get a good night’s sleep.

(A) Despite that (B) Even (C) Now that (D) Unless

16. San Francisco is a paradise for cultural activities and attractions. Some like to visit historical museums, _____ others like to

visit art galleries.

(A) whereas (B) despite of (C) accordingly (D) in that

17. Although the city is relatively unaffected by extreme weather in comparison with other cities, there are now more typhoons

than _____.

(A) it used to (B) there used to be (C) was there (D) it has been

18. He’s the best opponent I’ve _____ this season, a great player.

(A) come out (B) taken away (C) come across (D) taken up

104 學年度私立醫學校院聯合招考轉學生考試


本試題(含封面)共 5 頁:第 3 頁

19. Japanese _____ one of the most popular courses at the university since the Asian studies program was established.

(A) has become (B) became (C) become (D) is

20. To take advantage of the sales promotion of the supermarket, many shoppers start to buy things _____.

(A) at large (B) in terms (C) off base (D) in bulk

三、短文填空(21~35 題,請選出最適當的選項)

Passage 1

A solar-powered airplane landed in India on March 10, 21 the second leg of its bid to become the first aircraft to

circle the world by solar energy alone. Solar Impulse 2, 22 in Abu Dhabi, will make 12 stops on its 22,000-mile (35,000

km) journey.

21. (A) will complete (B) to be completed (C) completing (D) completed

22. (A) which launched (B) that has started (C) it took off (D) would rise

Passage 2

Life has taught me that sometimes when people behave badly with you, it is because of some unhappiness that they are

carrying around with them, 23 that has nothing to do with you. I wish I 24 more gentle with people in that situation

and not reacted so angrily. 25 you find out what’s really going on, the whole relationship can change.

23. (A) due to (B) a problem (C) it is because (D) you know

24. (A) had been (B) was (C) can be (D) would be

25. (A) Because (B) Once (C) Finally (D) At last

Passage 3

 According to the World Resources Institute, approximately 38% of the world’s population could face chronic water

shortages by the year 2025. It is estimated that humans use 45 times as 26 water as they did three centuries ago. All over the

globe, humans are pumping water out of the ground faster than it can be 27 . The United Nations recently outlined the

severity of the problem, saying that more people will suffer a high level of water stress if consumption continues at current rates.

 Several factors contribute to water shortages. Irrigation, which grows 40 percent of the world’s food and makes it possible

to feed the plant’s 6.2 billion people, 28 the largest percentage of water use. Another problem is that people don’t see the

need to conserve water. If people can 29 the seriousness of the situation, they may be more willing to take action and use

less water. In addition, it has been found that some places were rife with broken water pipes, leaky toilets, and faulty plumbing

30 a lot of water was simply being wasted.

26. (A) more (B) many (C) much (D) less

27. (A) replenished (B) refurbished (C) abolished (D) vanished

28. (A) comes up with (B) accounts for (C) comes by (D) keeps up with

29. (A) discern (B) disdain (C) disperse (D) distract

30. (A) in where (B) which (C) wherever (D) whereby

Passage 4

 As a person reads, he has his own writing experience to fall back upon. His understanding of what he reads, and his feelings

about it, are 31 , and deepened, by his possession of writing as a 32 of communicating. As a child begins to learn

reading, he begins to acquire the rudiments of writing. 33 these two skills are always acquired together is important and not

coincidental. As the child learns to read words, he needs to understand that a word is something he can write himself, though his

muscle control may temporarily prevent him 34 it clearly. That he wields such power over the words he is struggling to

decipher 35 the reading experience a satisfying one right from the start.

31. (A) necessary affected (B) necessarily affecting (C) necessary affecting (D) necessarily affected

32. (A) mean (B) meaning (C) means (D) meanings

33. (A) That (B) It (C) Which (D) What

34. (A) to write (B) to writing (C) write (D) from writing

35. (A) make (B) makes (C) making (D) made

104 學年度私立醫學校院聯合招考轉學生考試


本試題(含封面)共 5 頁:第 4 頁

四、閱讀測驗(36~50 題,請選出最適當的選項)

Passage 1

If we want to live longer, we can no longer afford to inhale air contaminated with particulate matter. Particulate

matter—also known as particulates—is microscopic solid or liquid matter floating in the Earth’s atmosphere. Sources of

particulate matter can be natural or man-made. Particulates which occur naturally may originate from volcanoes, dust storms, or

forest fires. Human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels in vehicles, coal combustion, and various industrial processes

also generate significant amounts of particulates.

 Fine particles, with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers or less, are the most lethal form of air pollution because they are able to

penetrate deep into the lungs and blood streams unfiltered, which in turn may cause permanent DNA mutations, heart attacks, and

premature death. In addition, particulate matter exposure is also linked to an increased risk of stroke by its narrowing effects on

the arteries.

 Particulate matter can clog minute pores of plant leaves and interfere with photosynthesis functions. It has been found that

high particulate matter concentrations in the atmosphere can lead to stunted growth or mortality in some plant species.

36. According to the passage, which of the following activities is unlikely to generate particulates?

(A) burning coal (B) meditation

(C) driving a truck that runs on diesel (D) emission from factories

37. What is the main idea of the passage?

(A) causes and impacts of particulates (B) methods of improving air quality

(C) geographical areas affected by particulates (D) composition analysis of particulates

38. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a possible health effect of particulates?

(A) death at an early age (B) burst of blood vessels in the brain

(C) change in the genetic material (D) insomnia

39. In the last paragraph, what does the word “minute” refer to?

(A) an official record of a meeting (B) sixty seconds

(C) tiny (D) breathing

40. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true about the impact of particulates on plants?

(A) Particulates interfere with photosynthesis functions of plants.

(B) Particulates block holes of plant leaves.

(C) Particulates prevent plants from growing and developing as much as they should.

(D) Particulates nourish plants by providing extra nutrients.

Passage 2

Various research centers are studying identical twins in order to discover the “heritability” of behavioral characteristics—that

is, the degree to which a trait is due to genes instead of environment. They have reached some startling conclusions. One study

found, for example, that optimism and pessimism are both very much influenced by genes, but only optimism is also affected by

environment. According to another study, genes influence our coffee consumption, but not consumption of tea. Anxiety seems to

be 40 to 50 percent heritable. Another study tells us that happiness does not depend much on money or love or professional

success; instead, it is 80 percent heritable! Among the traits that appear to be largely heritable are shyness, attraction to danger

(thrill seeking), and choice of career.

41. According to the passage, which of the following traits is NOT heritable?

(A) love to drink tea (B) love to skydive (C) be nervous (D) be pessimistic

42. What is the best title for this passage?

(A) Human Traits (B) Heritability of Behavioral Characteristics

(C) Coffee, Tea, and Personality (D) Optimism and Pessimism

104 學年度私立醫學校院聯合招考轉學生考試


本試題(含封面)共 5 頁:第 5 頁

43. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

(A) A person’s consumption of coffee is influenced by his or her genes.

(B) Many behavioral characteristics are the results of genes, not environment.

(C) Shyness and thrill seeking are heritable to some degree.

(D) Happiness mainly depends on love and professional success.

44. What is the main idea of the passage?

(A) Some behavioral characteristics are found to be heritable to some degree.

(B) It is difficult to find out what personalities are influenced mainly by genes.

(C) Both optimism and pessimism are influenced mainly by genes.

(D) Money and love cannot buy happiness.

Passage 3

Our current phase of overconsumption began about 30 years ago, when Americans began committing close to half of their

annual expenditures to nonnecessities. It was the beginning of a gradual decline in the cost of consumer goods, the growth of

everyday credit-card use and the rise of big-box stores and discount retailers that pushed their way into communities nationwide,

forcing down prices and profits for those competing around them.

In the past decade, the cost of cell phones, toys, computers and televisions has plunged, thanks in part to overseas

manufacturing. The rise of “fast fashion”—popularized by the growth of clothing outlets like Gap, Forever 21 and American

Eagle selling $10 T-shirts and $30 jeans—is now driven by low-cost imports H&M and Uniqlo. Today the average U.S. household

has about 248 pieces of clothing and 29 pairs of shoes. It purchases, on average, 64 garments and seven pairs of shoes annually, at

a total cost of $1,141 a year, or $16 per item.

45. When did the latest period of overconsumption start?

(A) right after World War II (B) in 1980s

(C) at the beginning of 21st century (D) in the past decade

46. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT the reason for Americans’ overconsumption?

(A) Americans frequently use credit-cards for everyday shopping.

(B) The price of consumer goods has been going down.

(C) More and more discount retailers set up in communities.

(D) All clothing outlets are selling low-cost garments.

47. According to the passage, which of the following brands is an import?

(A) H&M (B) Gap (C) American Eagle (D) Forever 21

48. How many pieces of clothing does the average American household buy every year?

(A) 29 (B) 16 (C) 64 (D) 248

49. The meaning of the word “plunged” in the passage is closest to ____.

(A) fallen (B) driven (C) picked (D) merged

50. What might be the best title for this passage?

(A) Americans’ Overconsumption (B) Economic Development in the U.S.

(C) Fast Fashions in the U.S. (D) Americans’ Favorite Clothing Outlets



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