2016年9月18日 星期日

washington post journalist Jamal Khashoggi

沙烏地阿拉伯知名記者哈紹吉(Jamal Khashoggi)失蹤案日漸明朗,美國有線電視新聞網CNN記者表示,週一(15日)晚上看到土耳其調查人員,包括法醫官員,進入伊斯坦堡的沙烏地領事館。還有消息人士表示,沙國正準備1份報告,打算承認哈紹吉的死是錯誤審訊造成,而且沒有獲得允許。
《華盛頓郵報》知名專欄作家哈紹吉在進入土耳其的沙烏地領事館後,人間蒸發,,引發西方世界憤怒,目前傳出有多家企業準備撤出利雅德,美國與沙烏地的外交關係也進入緊張。美國總統川普(Donald Trump)稍早表示,已經指派國務卿蓬佩奧(Mike Pompeo)前往沙國與國王薩爾曼(Mohammed bin Salman)會面,了解記者的失蹤事件,但薩爾曼否認關於記者死亡的消息,川普表示,薩爾曼的說法聽起來可能是流氓殺手,但誰知道呢。
哈紹吉的未婚妻珊吉絲(Hatice Cengiz)向《紐約時報》表示,當天她與哈紹吉一起抵達沙烏地領事館,她在外面等候,哈紹吉告訴她,如果他沒有出來,要立刻通知土耳其當局。沒想到,哈紹吉真的之後一直沒再從該領事館走出來。外電報導,土耳其官員表示,他們認為哈紹吉在領事館內被殺,儘管沙烏地阿拉伯先前極力否認──此一爭議將對該王國的形象,以及年輕王儲展示改革動力的努力,造成巨大打擊。

現年59歲的哈紹吉是《華盛頓郵報》特約記者,同時兼任沙國多家知名日報主筆。他曾經擔任沙國前情報首長的左右手,不過2011年「阿拉伯之春」(Arab Spring)後,他態度大轉彎,開始批評沙國對敘利亞、卡達、葉門、伊朗的政策,更不留情地撰文批評沙國王儲薩爾曼親王。

The son of former Washington Post publisher Katharine Grahamhas taken his own life, shooting himself 54 years after his father did the same.
William W. Graham, a lawyer, investor and philanthropist, died on December 20 at his home in Los Angeles.
His brother Donald, who became the publisher and chief executive of The Washington Post when their mother stepped down in 1979, said he died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Graham's grandfather Eugene Meyer purchased The Washington Post in 1933, and then handed it over to his father, Philip.
When Philip killed himself in 1963, his wife Katharine took over, becoming one of the most influential women in America and the first female head of a Fortune 500 company.
William Graham
William Graham
The story of her decision to publish the Pentagon Papers, which detailed the US government's cover-up of the failings of the Vietnam War, has been made into a film by Steven Spielberg, The Post. Meryl Streep plays Katharine Graham.
She died in 2001, and was survived by four children: a daughter, Lally Weymouth; and three sons, Donald, Stephen and William.
Donald took over the newspaper, but then handed over to his niece Katharine Weymouth. She, in turn, left in 2014 - when Amazon founder Jeff Bezos bought the company.
William Graham was a 1966 graduate of the private St. Albans School in Washington and a 1970 graduate of Stanford University, where he majored in history and was active in the antiwar movement protesting US involvement in Vietnam.
He graduated from the UCLA law school in 1973, and then worked at the law firm Williams & Connolly for three years.
Katharine and Philip Graham in 1956, with their children Lally, Stephen, William and Donald
Like his mother, he spent his summers on Martha’s Vineyard, in Massachusetts, where he served on the board of the local hospital.
His marriages to the former Jorie Pepper (the poet known as Jorie Graham), Caroline Cushing and Jean Parker ended in divorce.
He is survived by his wife of seven years, Sally Lasker Graham, and two children from his second marriage, Alice and Edward Graham.


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華盛頓郵報特約記者卡舒吉(Jamal Khashoggi)自10月2日進入沙烏地阿拉伯駐伊斯坦堡領事館失蹤後,至今這起事件的重要發展經過如下:
●走進領事館 人間蒸發
10月2日:下午1時14分,監視器拍下卡舒吉走進沙國駐伊斯坦堡領事館。華盛頓郵報公布這段錄影畫面。卡舒吉前往領事館是為了即將舉行的婚事領取官方文件,他的未婚妻成吉茲(Hatice Cengiz)雖然陪同前往,但並未進入領事館,而是在館外等候。
10月3日:卡舒吉自從走進領事館之後就人間蒸發,成吉茲一直在領事館外苦等。土耳其總統發言人凱林(Ibrahim Kalin)在記者會上說:「根據我們的情資,這名人士現在還在領事館裡。」美國國務院則說正在調查中。
10月5日:沙國王儲穆罕默德‧沙爾曼(Mohammed bin Salman)對彭博新聞表示,卡舒吉不在領事館內,「我們歡迎土耳其政府進入領事館並搜查。」
●利雅德方面 斥子虛烏有
10月8日:土耳其總統厄多安(Tayyip Erdogan)要求利雅德提出證據,證明卡舒吉確實離開領事館。川普總統終於開口,對於這起事件表示關切。
10月15日:土耳其警方派出調查人員,會同檢察官進入沙國領事館展開長達八小時徹夜搜查,帶走採樣物證。川普表示,沙國國王沙爾曼(King Salman)強烈否認涉及此事,但美國國務卿龐培歐(Mike Pompeo)隔日便抵達利雅德,與沙國國王及王儲會談,但氣氛平和 。



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