2016年10月14日 星期五

Trump threatens to withdraw from WTO

Trump threatens to withdraw from World Trade Organization 

  • If the World Trade Organization doesn't "shape up," President Donald Trump told Bloomberg he would pull the United States out.
  • In a Thursday interview with the news outlet, Trump again criticized the international trading group's treatment of the United States.
  • "If they don't shape up, I would withdraw from the WTO," the president said.

President Donald Trump
Jonathan Ernst | Reuters
President Donald Trump
If the World Trade Organization doesn't "shape up," President Donald Trump told Bloomberg he would pull the United States out.
In a Thursday interview with Bloomberg, Trump again criticized the international trading group's treatment of the United States.
He told Bloomberg, "If they don't shape up, I would withdraw from the WTO."
The president's comments follow previous reports that Trump had told White House aides that he wanted to withdraw from the WTO.
But top Trump administration officials haven't been as eager to pull out of the global trade regulator. In July, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told CNBC that talk to withdraw from the WTO was "a little premature."
"We've made no secret of our view that there are some reforms needed at the WTO," Ross said on "Squawk Box."
He explained that the WTO could better "update [or] synchronize its activities."
Trump's remarks come amid a slew of trade scuffles, which have pressured trade-sensitive stocks.
On Thursday, U.S. stocks snapped a four-day winning streak, after Bloomberg reported that Trump supports moving ahead with proposed tariffs on an additional $200 billion in Chinese goods.
Despite Trump's remarks, the U.S. has sought WTO assistance in dealing with retaliatory tariffs imposed by China, the European Union, Canada, Mexico and Turkey. In July, the U.S. filed five dispute actions with the WTO alleging that the retaliatory tariffs against the U.S. were illegal under the trade organization's rules.
See Bloomberg for more on Trump's comments about the World Trade Organization.

Trump: US will quit World Trade Organization unless it 'shapes up'

In Bloomberg interview, president criticises organization and lauds plan on China tariffs, driving down US equities
Donald Trump has said he would withdraw from the World Trade Organization if it did not treat the US better.
 Donald Trump has said he would withdraw from the World Trade Organization if it did not treat the US better. Photograph: Michael Reynolds/EPA
Donald Trump has threatened to pull the United States out of the World Trade Organization if it doesn’t “shape up” and treat the US better. The US president issued the threat against the international trade body during an interview with Bloomberg news.
“If they don’t shape up, I would withdraw from the WTO,” Trump said, making public a proposal he has reportedly made to top aides in the past.
According to Axios, Trump expressed consternation that the US was still a part of the global trade body.
A source told Axios the president had often made comments like: “I don’t know why we’re in it. The WTO is designed by the rest of the world to screw the United States.”
The treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, later dismissed the idea as “an exaggeration”, while the commerce secretary, Wilbur Ross, said in July he considered talk of withdrawing from the WTO “a little premature”.
Trump’s administration has sought help from the WTO over retaliatory tariffs from China, the European Union, Canada, Mexico and Turkey, arguing the trade organization’s rules made the measures illegal.
Trump’s repetition of the idea came as he also told Bloomberg he wants to move ahead with a plan to impose tariffs on $200bn in Chinese imports as soon as a public comment period concludes next week.
That caused US equities to slump, closing down for the first time in four days.
The Dow industrial average was down 138 points, or 0.53%, at 25,987. The S&P 500 index fell 0.44% to 2,901, while the Nasdaq composite index fell 0.26% to 8,088.



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