2022年8月3日 星期三

Combodia's Taiwanese hostages is estimated over 2000 people

Combodia flag

It needs rescue extremely. This is significant. According to information,
There are over 2000 Taiwanese are custodied by Combodia criminal group. Victims are appealed by jobs with high salarys, so they enter to Combodia.
While they arrive airport. They are controled by perpetrators with weapons. And be sold soon with money. And be slaved to do frauds. 12 people lived a dorm in ten square meters. Guardians guard their behaviours and working with guns in 24 hours. And criminals ask much ransom to victims' families. After criminals take money but don't release hostages. And as to a victim is asked to let 5 familier people come to Combodia and pay criminals ten thousand USD to be released. And asking bribes to newcomers. If a victim doesn't contact familiar people to redeem him. Male will be assaulted. Female will be raped. If a victim be against to criminals, criminals assault or shock with electronics. When a victim refuse to work. The victim will be sold. As a Taiwanese can be sold in 20 to 30 thousands USD. A young woman is reluctant, she gets starving in two days without food and beg. she is assaulted and bleeding with much blood.
She pleads on Instagram. When a victim resists to work. Be serious assaulted into closely death. It's a timing to deprive the person's organs. It's usually to hear that someone died, someone is assaulted, someone is blackmailed. This criminal group refers to these crimes: fraud, abduction and asking ransoms, sexaul assault, operation of prostitution, assault, murders, sell organs, corruption, failure of career, interfere freedom, illigal custody, internet gambling, hold casinos, money laundering, stealing, robbing, human trafficking, and illigal taking blood. This is a biggest criminal group in Asia. In estimating about 50 thousands criminals. Over five thousands of victims. Over 2000 Taiwanese victims. Twenty buildings of fraud areas. US fighted to Mexico drug smuggling. US is able to save hostages and deal with criminals. As to a world cop believing heroism. Please cope with the criminals.

Editor: William Wang, 
Welcome to quote.
Is sent to White House's email.
Reference: influencer Bump, Taiwan news.

Illegal behaviors, please don't imitate.

2022年7月9日 星期六


ICPO's headquarters is at Lyon.

It accepts international criminal events and crimes.

It has e-mail address to send.

The ICPO'S scale is only smaller than UN.

I sent email to them.

2022年7月4日 星期一

US's expenditures are tight to use


The White House

US's expenditures are tight to use.

The amounts of spending on Ukraine and 

Russia war is huge about 3.2 billions dollars.

It will spend 8.8 billions in the future.

And military expenditure is over 800 billions yearly for defence.

The others are education, welfare, pension, health care, police, infrastructure and social security.

Holding elections per 2 years one time.

It worths to notice:

US can help military war with western ideology,

But US seldom to solve criminal events.

Unless Mexico, a neibouring country.

Drug smuggling problems really threat American.

Therefore, US can help to fight Mexico drug dealers in drugs' war.

So, Combodia's criminal group,

That's a foreign problem.

There is no relation to American.

That's very far.

US won't decide to solve.

There's no obligation.

2022年7月3日 星期日

Doves need to fly

Taiwan Police College

Fishs need to swim.
Doves need to fly.
Tigers need to prey.
Humans need to smile.
Only owning love.
So it can live my life.
Work Hard, Play Hard.
Therefore I can survive.

Natural Selection

NTU Azalea Festival

Natural selection is the process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change. Individuals in a population are naturally variable, meaning that they are all different in some ways. This variation means that some individuals have traits better suited to the environment than others.

Traffic accidents, family's assets, famous schools, governmental careers, they are natural selections. Organisms can be adapted, they survive. Or they get elimination.

I and Judy have dinners together.

I and Judy have dinners together

Dinner time.
Judy usually cooks.
I sometimes cook.
When I have dinner, I smile to Judy.
Judy also smiles back to me.
We are enjoyable and happy.

2022年7月2日 星期六

A house is with good architecture and trees

A house is with good architecture and trees.

It is great to live that people are unknown 
to you. That's quiet and smooth. And the house is not expensive. The neighborhood are good. The functions are multiple. It can enjoy a good life.

Combodia's Taiwanese hostages is estimated over 2000 people

Combodia flag It needs rescue extremely. This is significant. According to information, There are over 2000 Taiwanese are custod...